• 15-year logo
  • wisdom logo

About Us

Know About Us

Derived from the Olympics motto "Citius, Altius, Fortius" which means "Faster, Higher, Stronger" the word is closest to what we want to achieve with an undergraduate institution.
At Altius Institute of Universal Studies, our endeavour is to take Universal studies to new heights. We aim at producing professional graduates rather than just graduates. It is the wisdom that we are trying to achieve and not mere academic success. Our logo defines what we believe. The flying bird represents a free mind which is soaring on the wings of wisdom and reaching beyond the limits.
The bird is golden, implying the purity and preciousness of wisdom achieved through learning and the blue ring around it corresponds to the sky which is not the limit for those who've got.


Aiming for the launch of an individual’s career by providing an amenable learning environment.

Meritorious Alumni

By creating the perfect environment for education we stride to make our student achieve more , hence creating a long of list of meritorious alumni.

Learning Ecosystem

At Altius we emphasize on creating a learning eco-system in which our students can garner information not just from traditional sources but from all our online and offline modules.

Extensive Faculties

Our faculties are industry experts, they impart essential practical and theoretical knowledge to the students which helps them enhance their talents.

Online Resource Center

Our online Learning tools empowers the student's learning process through online classes, E-books, Journals, Research papers.



Empower the youth of today to make informed career choices, to help them be better individuals and role models for the next generation and work to create a stronger society and a self-reliant nation.


Offer quality education to enable every deserving individual match aspirations with career goals.

Although all the undergraduate courses conducted at Altius would abide by the university prescribed syllabus, we’ve also added a little extra to ensure that apart from gaining academic excellence, Altius graduates get a competitive edge over their peers. The Altius Advantage as we call it would prepare the students not only for various competitive examinations but would also prepare them for placement opportunities immediately after graduation.

Studying at Altius comes with many advantages. As you approach the campus, the benefits start becoming apparent. Set amidst open and lush surroundings, one gets a feeling of freedom. The magnificent college building with separate wings for commerce, management and law awes you; and this awe only increases when you see the spacious and airy classrooms, the 500 capacity open-air amphitheatre, the basketball court the commodious.

At Altius we just need an excuse to put on our dancing shoes and lighten up the mood. But like everything about Altius, everything we do is done with a little Altius twist, starting from the time a ‘fresher’ walks into the campus. The first week, dubbed the “Induction Week” is where the new students start familiarizing themselves with the campus, their seniors and faculty members. Games and activities of both kinds – serious and fun .


At Altius we do things the with a little twist and this makes our campus the best place to be in Indore.

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